Emails, phone calls are coming in from all around the United States - from family members that are attending the Moon-Perrett Reunion. Majority are staing at Comfort Suites in Graham - mini family reunions before and after the actual event. There are new faces this go round - you'd better make an effort to be there. I'm excited!
Shirley (Moon) Osborne has graciously volunteered to help me with set up that morning and furnish ice....David Vaughn graciously volunteered to do prizes....cups/plates/napkins/silverware are purchased - games for the young (young at heart) are ready for the outside area..... all we are missing is food and YOU!!!! A donation bucket will be set out to help defray costs (Fellowship Hall and other miscellaneous sundries).
Aren't we so blessed to have a wonderful family! Love you - see you July 17th - fun starts at 10:00 a.m. - lunch around noon and an afternoon packed with lots of family hugging/kissing/sharing the events of the last few years.
Got our motel reservations! Looking forward to seeing everyone in NC in just a few weeks...Mother (Margaret Pendergraph Jordan) is also very anxious to be there - we'll have a good time!